Ferrari loyalty to ultra soft tires to conquer Shanghai GP

Ferrari loyalty to ultra soft tires to conquer Shanghai GP

Ferrai will use the ultra soft tires at Shanghai GP Following its success in Australia and Bahrain, the Ferrari team continues to rely on ...

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Ferrai will use the ultra soft tires at Shanghai GP

Following its success in Australia and Bahrain, the Ferrari team continues to rely on super-soft tires to conquer Shanghai GPs this weekend.

According to the recent announcement of the tire selection for the Shanghai GP race, Ferrari is the most superlative tire in the top three teams. The third race of the season will be the first to mark Pirelli's tire change.
Ferrari is choosing tires and tactical tire changes in the race very reasonable

Ferrari uses the most super soft tires in the Top 3 teams who leading the race

Specifically, the soft type (Super soft) will be removed and replaced with ultra soft. In addition to Ferrari, McLaren, Haas and Williams also put their belief in super soft tires when choosing eight drivers for each driver.
Teams have their own tire choices

Meanwhile, in the Top, Red Bull and Mercedes still hold the tactical standpoint when choosing their own 7 and 6 pairs of super soft. Among the drivers, Lewis Hamilton is the one who chooses the softest tire.

The calculation of tire selection has a great influence on race results. Right at the Bahrain GP past, the Mercedes team was very surprised when the tactics of replacing the tires of Ferrari did not make them back in time.
Tire choice and tactical wisdom bring success to Ferrari.

Specifically, while the entire technical team of Mercedes calculated and expect Sebastian Vettel to continue to stop the tire replacement for the second time then that does not happen. It was not until the whole team realized Vettel was racing and it was too late and Valtteri Bottas could not get past Vettel.

"We realized the threat was a bit late. Soft tires that Sebastian uses are too durable. If we react faster we can put pressure on him from the 35th to the 45th. Then the results will probably be different, "said Mercedes Allison technical director.
Bottas helpless in pursuit of Vettel.

"We waited for him to stop the second tire change, but Sebastian was racing until he got there. Maybe if the race lasts a few more rounds, then the opponent is forced to stop the tires, the results will be different. "

In addition, Allison also denied the problem of choosing the tire that causes bottas unable to catch up with Vettel. "Our tires for this year are very good. We will have to try to find out if the car is suitable for the type of tire that Sebastian used or not. I guess yes.

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Singapore sports news: Ferrari loyalty to ultra soft tires to conquer Shanghai GP
Ferrari loyalty to ultra soft tires to conquer Shanghai GP
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