The larger of the f1 racing cars reduce the excitement

The horizontal of F1 cars increasingly wider Driver Daniel Ricciardo said the increase in the width of the F1 cars makes it harder to be...

The horizontal of F1 cars increasingly wider

The larger of the f1 racing cars reduce the excitement
Driver Daniel Ricciardo said the increase in the width of the F1 cars makes it harder to beat opponents and it reduces the excitement of the race this season.

Last year, the F1 racing cars were improved so that the chassis became wider. The width of the cars has been "up" 20 cm and is now 2m, instead of 1.8m as from 2016 backwards.
F1 racing has increased since last season
Although the car is running faster, due to the lack of cockpit space as well as limited aerodynamic improvements - this creates a lot of "dirty air" that affects the rear-end car - which has led to the impact. negative.

Riders are difficult to cross

Another well-known fact is that the larger size of the car also means that the space on the track becomes cramped and this obviously affects the icebergs.

Daniel Ricciardo, who has surpassed his rivals in the 2017 season, has 43 times over his opponents in 20 races and has complained about it.
King of ice over the F1 2017 season, Ricciardo has sarcasm about the size of the car makes the phase beyond the increasingly difficult to implement.

At the start of the new season, the Australian Grand Prix in his hometown last week only recorded five successive ice rivals and Ricciardo admitted he had a lot of trouble catching up to Kimi Raikkonen from Ferrari.

The champion Lewis Hamilton also said he could not even approach and surpass Sebastian Vettel despite the Mercedes driver's best efforts.
Riders are difficult to cross because of the width of the car and the tires are bulkier

The fans themselves are less excited because of the lesser of the dramatic acceleration scenarios, regardless of the race track in Australia that has added an area to enable the DRS system. The rear end of the vehicle reduces the wind resistance to accelerate the vehicle in front of the vehicle in straight lines or when exiting from the 1st to 2nd and 1 second.

"I felt the space on the track was narrowed considerably by the increased tire size and width. Finding space to get over is very difficult. I think this type of racing is also very damaging to the track, "Ricciardo said.
Appears some of the larger tires with heavier weight than the Pirelli

"I think the smaller car would be better. Just like motor racing, there's always room for you to get ahead and finish the race. I think the lap time issue should not be considered as critical, but the priority is the quality of the race. "

The 28-year-old believes that 2014's new hybrids are the true combination of speed and performance. He called on the makers of this sport to make the final decision as to whether the speed or excitement of new audiences is an important factor in the future.
F1 cars are getting bigger.

Previously, F1 has been criticized since the 2017 season when larger and more bulky wagons are difficult to move flexibly on the track.

Besides, in order to meet the new standards of safety, many parts have been added to a car. Experts estimate the actual weight of the entire protection assembly and the racks can be up to 14kg. This means the teams have to lose weight in some other detail.



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Singapore sports news: The larger of the f1 racing cars reduce the excitement
The larger of the f1 racing cars reduce the excitement
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